
I am loving all of the oversized (and colorful), flat clutches for spring. Such a great way to color to your outfit. Best of all, they come in all different price points.

Atlantic-Pacific (BEE is my new blog crush)
American Apparel 
Claire Vivier
And make sure to check out mine and other people’s blogger tag sales items (if you haven’t already)! So much goodness for sale.
Sorry for the short post. Life is calling today. xo

Some things I’ve been loving…

this lucite railing (via)
seeing more of Ryan Korban’s portfolio (via)
how perfectly spring a khaki trench is (via)
these walls….speechless (via)
this weirdly healthy cake recipe (via)
these are serious shoes (via)

the insanity of this neon sofa (via)

Sorry for the random post. Too much pretty (and yummy) not share.

Be sure to check back on Sunday when I share my dream room as part of Cornflake Dream‘s blog crawl! xoxo